Connectivist Learning Theory


How does learning occur?

In connectivist theory, learning occurs through connections that the learner forms between concepts and ideas.  Learning is a process in which specialized nodes or information sources connect with each other (Davis, et al., 2008).  Knowledge and learning communities are organized into a complex network.  According to Siemens (2010), learning networks have social and cultural dimensions and are also influenced by technology.


What factors influence learning?

Access to technology and social networks are both influential factors in connectivist learning.  The ability for a learner to visualize, or see connections between rich networks is also a factor in creating meaningful learning experiences (Siemens, 2004).  A diverse network of knowledge sources and communication points is another essential component in the connectivist learning process.


What is the role of memory?

According to Davis, et al. (2008), memory involves active patterns in a learner’s current network.  Memories lie within the patterns of connectivity in each learner’s network. These memories await transfer to new learning contexts. To read more about the connection of nodes in a learner's network, click the following link to access the article by Davis, et al. (2008): Article.


How does transfer occur?


One's learning network sets the stage for transfer to occur in learning. Transfer occurs when nodes are connnected or added to a learning network, causing the network to grow (Siemens, 2009).  This is a key element in connectivsm, as the transfer process allows learners to connect and apply knowledge to multiple contexts.



What types of learning are best explained by connectivist theory?

Very complex tasks, such as creating and problem solving, are appropriate for connectivist learning.  Engaging in these activities through social learning would be the best learning approach in connectivist theory (Downes, 2010).  Technology-based learning is also emphasized with this theory (Siemens, 2010).  Through technology and web-based programs, learners can interactively retrieve and organize information, as well as communicate between different knowledge sources existing within a learning network. 


How is technology used for learning in the teaching field?


As mentioned above, technology plays a major role in connectivism.  According to Siemens (2004), a major principle in connectivist theory is that “learning resides in non-human appliances” (p. 1).  For example, I use multiple forms of technology to obtain information and communicate across my personal and educational networks.  In the classroom, I use the following technologies to help learners connect knowledge: Ning (social networking site), Blackboard (online learning platform), blogs, iPad applications, online learning games, webquests, and other interactive online learning tools.  The evolution of technology has led to new ways of seeing and organizing information.  It has also made the maintenance of social network connections more convenient.  In connectivist learning theory, learners must nurture and maintain connections in order to facilitate continual learning (Siemens, 2004).  These days there is no excuse not to stay connected with people in our network and the latest information. 



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